Our classes

Stop to endure your life in France

Tu as des difficultés dans la vie quotidienne en France,
le français oral est compliqué,
s'intégrer n'est pas simple,
trouver un travail ou comprendre l'administration sont des situations laborieuses...

bref : la vie en France n'est pas celle que tu imaginais (autrement dit : ce n'est pas comme dans
"Emily in Paris" !)...

Holala, c'est la catastrophe.

Allez, je te rassure : il y a des solutions !

Ensemble, on va apprendre à s'adapter à la vie en France.

On y va ?!

  • 49€/60 min or 39€/45 min

  • Facturation au mois selon les dates réservées


professeur professionnel

Enseigner, c'est un métier

La plupart des professeurs professionnels ont des diplômes universitaires. Dans mon cas, j'ai un Master de Français Langue Étrangère.

Un professeur professionnel aura des compétences en psychologie, en linguistique, en pédagogie mais aussi sera spécialiste dans son domaine d'enseignement.

Teaching is a real job

Most of teachers have high degrees. In my case, I have a Master’s Degree in teaching French to foreign-language speakers.

A professionnel teacher has knowledge in psychology, pedagogy and also, he/she is a specialist in his/her field of education.


cours en ligne

Pratique & flexible

Chez vous, au travail, au café, dans le train, à l'aéroport, dans le taxi, sur la route des vacances, ...
Vos enfants sont malades ou il pleut et ça ne donne pas envie de sortir pour aller étudier le français.

Les cours en ligne sont pratiques et flexibles, ils s'adaptent à votre rythme et à votre vie !

Practical & flexible

At your place, at your workplace, at the café, in the train, at the airport, in the taxi, on the way to your holidays, ...
Maybe your children are sick, or it is raining outside and you do not want to go out in order to learn French.

Online classes are so flexible, they adapt to your way of life !


cours particuliers

S'améliorer plus facilement et plus rapidement

Les cours en groupe sont super pour rencontrer des gens, discuter et échanger. Cependant, les cours privés vous permettent d'avoir des cours adaptés à vos besoins et à vos objectifs. Aussi, les cours privés permettent d'échanger plus facilement sans peur d'être jugé.

Improve your French easily and quickly

Group classes are very good to meet people and discuss, but the private classes are tailored to your needs and to your goals. Also, private classes allow you to speak more confortable without the fear to be judged.

Here's what our students say

很認真的老師,每份教材都是親自依據學生的程度準備。Edwige很細心磨我的發音,課程有趣多元,非常推薦!A very nice teacher, every note and exercise are prepared by Edwige, according to your level and interest. She spent a lot of time to correct my pronunciation. The class content is very diverse and interesting. We talked about cultures, history, human right, cuisine, and politics, and it’s totally up to you what interests you the most. Highly recommended!
- Hsin-Yin (Taiwan), on Google

I feel lucky to have found Edwige soon after I moved to Strasbourg in 2019. I had tried many apps and eventually realized I would need in person lessons. I found Edwige and never looked back. My life in Strasbourg changed completely. In no time I was able to communicate where most needed, at work and in stores and restaurants. As much as my French improved so did my understanding of French culture, history, and politics.Edwige quickly picked up my learning style and tailored our classes to my needs. These are details that can never be recreated on a language learning app. Thank you Edwige!
- Laura (USA), on Google

當初是在IG看到有人推薦老師 才決定鼓起勇氣跟老師聯絡試聽,上課一年了常常覺得老師有一種魔力,可以把歷史變得有趣,帶我更了解法國文化,讓我對法文更有興趣! 老師真的很用心,每份教材都是他親自編輯的,也能客製化需求😙 原本對自己說法文很沒自信的我,慢慢發現自己好像有進步了,也變得比較敢開口
- Lisa (Taiwan), on Google

- Phoebe (Taiwan), on Google

Mon super cours de français avec Edwige .J’étudie français avec Edwige depuis quatre mois. Le cours est utile et agréable. Je observe une amélioration de mon niveau. Edwige est precise et sérieuse. Elle enseigne parfaitement la langue. Les leçons sont diverse et claire. Elle m’enseigne grammaire , orale, écrite, d’histoire et de culture française . J’ai l’intention de faire Delf b2 et je vais continuer étudier avec Edwige.
- Rana (Koweit), on Google

Yu-Chun (Taiwan), on Google

For more than two years I have taken French lessons with Edwige, and I can really say, that she's an absolutly great teacher. I actually planned to have lessons for maybe half a year, but I had so much fun doing the lessons and I learned so much, that I continued until today. I had never thought it could happen, but today, I can watch french TV, read french books, listen to french podcasts, talk (of course still with some mistakes) with french people and understand them. Edwige is the best french teacher I have ever had. And very important: She is sooo patient :))
- Gudrun (Germany), on TripAdvisor

I took weekly private lessons with Edwige for about a year and a half, and it was without a doubt the most important thing I did for my French, which progressed from total beginner to a solid B1 level during this period. The lessons were clearly structured to cover both grammar, vocabulary, conversational fluency and even a bit of French history and culture. She also tailored the courses to fit topics or problem areas that I wanted to work on. Most importantly, Edwige is adept at creating a relaxed and informal atmosphere which greatly reduced my fear of getting to grips with the language, even though I started out making a lot of mistakes. I really cannot recommend her courses enough!
- Thomas (Norway), on TripAdvisor

My family and I have been taking French lessons with Edwige for about a year now and we all agree that she is one of the best French teachers out there, we're not sure what we would have done without her. She is extremely kind and patient and always puts in the effort to make sure you have a fun and meaningful lesson. I have taken French classes at University and Edwige has taught me more in a few lessons than a whole semester did. This is partly because I never felt afraid to ask a question or practice speaking in front of her. She is always prepared and creates a comfortable learning environment. Edwige is one of the best teachers out there and I highly recommend taking lessons from her, you won't regret it!
- Aidan (USA), on TripAdvisor



- Jennifer (Taiwan), on Google

I've had an amazing experience being taught by Edwige. She is a very positive, easy-going and pleasant person. Her energy and skills of teaching are somethings you will definitely notice from the first lesson. The classes were productive and at the same time I felt like I was talking to a friend, no pressure. Improving your language level can be fun.
Thank you, Edwige, the knowledge that I got will be very useful for my career in French speaking world :)
- Elizabeth (Russia), on Google

Edwige is very professional and competent. Talking to and with her goes very easy. She is very nice and flexible. She always tries to accommodate her students and to find compromises if schedual change is needed or for any other issue. The topics we worked on were very interesting. I can highly recommend her.
- Marijana (Switzerland), on Google

Edwige is a very good French teacher who accompanied me in searching for my internship. She also encouraged me to do spontaneous applications. During the two months, I gained a better understanding of how to write a proper resume and motivation letter for job roles. Additionally, we practiced some interview questions. All in all, I am so grateful to have spent time with her working on my resume.
- Szu-Yun (Taiwan), on Google

Need more informations ?
(in English, Russian or French)

Live your French life

Vivre en France et s'intégrer

Il y a différentes raisons de vouloir apprendre le français, de vouloir le pratiquer et de l'améliorer !

Examinatrice du TCF pour l'épreuve orale,
habituée à la préparation du DELF,
j'aide mes étudiants à s'intégrer en France.

Je propose de t'accompagner dans ton projet et de travailler ensemble afin d'atteindre tes objectifs !